Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pest Control Ant Removal - Extermination & Killer Treatment Products: The Kind Of Ants That Are In The Kitchen and Simple Ways Of Get Rid of the Infestation.

Pest control focuses on Eliminating ants involves removal of the source of the problem.

Small little Sugar Ants in House | Getting Rid of Ants Around Houses

Some, like carpenter ants, are important because they damage building materials. And some ants only become pests when they enter homes in search of food and water.

The last group of ants usually causes no structural damage, and pose little health risk, but are important because of their numbers alone. These are the house-invading ants, nuisance ants or simply house ants. Common house ant species are: odorous house ant, Argentine ant, pharaoh ant and a few other species.

Most ants that invade homes are yellow, red, brown or black in color, constricted at the waist, and 1/8-1/4" long. If you find ants that are larger than about 3/8" (in the US) you've probably found carpenter ants. You may also occasionally see ants with wings (all species), these are the so called "reproductives".

ants attracted to liquid ant bait

Worker ants feeding on a drop of ant bait. Ants consume the bait and take some back to their nest where it disrupts the colony. Photo by E.A. DeAngelis.

sugar ants, moisture ants, sweet ants. Ant control in houses

While house ants generally cause no direct damage they can become a nuisance if the nests get too large. The safest, and best approach to ant control is to use baits. Baits pose little risk and most are relatively inexpensive. There is no need to apply insecticide sprays for these pests. In fact, insecticide sprays often disperse colonies and make matters worse

Control of Common Nuisance House Ants With Baits 

 Place baits near ant activity, do not contaminate area with insecticide. You can initially place a plain, sugary bait (no insecticide) to train workers to the placement. If ants appear to be feeding on bait, as in photo above, replace plain bait with one laced with insecticide.
 Replace individual stations when they are exhausted or completely consumed.

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